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Published inThe HavenScientists: Wisdom Needs To Be More ValuedAnd egotism less celebrated13h ago13h ago
Published inThe HavenScientists: Say This Post-Ego Prayer Out Loud Each Morning And Bid Your Ego FarewellLive the day in the unknown, new space just beyond your self.1d ago1d ago
Published inThe HavenScientists: We Just Aren’t There YetThe human race has made some progress, no doubt. But we cannot yet call ourselves rational or civilized. Not with a straight face anyway.2d ago32d ago3
Published inThe HavenScientists: The Secret To Happiness Lies Inside Every Cell Of Your BodyNot just happiness. But overwhelming bliss is the only appropriate response to the fact of your incarnation.3d ago23d ago2
Published inThe HavenScientists: Human Relationships Are Mostly ImaginaryYou make up the other person in your head. So why do you make them up to be so rotten?4d ago34d ago3
Published inThe HavenScientists: The Human Race Is One OrganismIt’s time for us to start treating the human race as one beautiful being that we are all a part of and responsible for.4d ago4d ago